How to Motivate Your Online Training Clients 4. How to Set Up Effective Client Challenges in Trainerize

How to Set Up Effective Client Challenges in Trainerize

With more and more people getting on board, fitness challenges have become increasingly popular in recent years. Having a goal in mind seems to be the best motivation for people regardless of their age-group or fitness level. For trainers, challenges are a great way to give in-person and online clients a little push to get them even more committed to their training plans.

We always love seeing how our trainers find new ways to make the most of the Trainerize platform with creative marketing ideas, specialized workout routines and customized training plans.

Dan Jeal, Trainerize trainer and fitness entrepreneur, recently shared an amazing step-by-step guide and video on how to set up fitness or exercise challenges in Trainerize for your clients.

Here are the two ways that Dan uses Trainerize to set up client challenges:

The workout template technique and the dummy client method. Dan says selecting a setup method really depends on the type of client you are working with.


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