The Top Social Media Trends for Fitness Pros in 2024 July 8, 2024 Hey there, fitness pros! Doesn’t it feel a bit like the rules of social media are constantly changing?…
The Ultimate Guide to TikTok for Fitness Professionals October 16, 2023 Once upon a time, TikTok may have seemed like a just-for-fun app that only tweens were using. Or…
The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Marketing for Fitness Professionals October 14, 2023 Facebook boasts almost 1.85 billion daily active users, which is nearly a quarter of the world population. As…
Finding a Balance Between Personal and Professional Social Media Content January 11, 2022 Have you ever considered whether you’re sharing too little or too much on social media? There is truly…
Social Media Marketing for Fitness Businesses in Just 20 Minutes a Day August 7, 2020 Were you drawn to the idea of building a business “for free” on social media? Have you realized…
5 Ways to Use Facebook to Promote Your Fitness Business May 28, 2020 You’ve probably heard a lot of people claim that “Facebook is dead,” but using Facebook for a fitness…
5 Reasons to Take a Post-Workout Selfie September 16, 2019 You see selfies posted all over social media but what about post-workout selfies? Are there any benefits to…
Personal Training for Pain Relief Clients: A Growing Business Niche June 11, 2018 As fitness professionals, it seems like we are always on the hunt for new clients. But if you’re…