Press and AnnouncementsPress and AnnouncementsProduct and Company Trainerize featured in Business Insider!

Trainerize fitness expert and founder of Body By Bree, BreeAnna Cox, was recently interviewed by Business Insider about how she managed to successfully transition her business to 100% online and start offering fitness training programs through Trainerize app. 

In this article Bree explains how, once she shifted her business online, she tripled her business and income in the last 2 years thanks to Trainerize, Shopify and social media. At this point, 100% of her business is through online platforms.

In her own words:

“I’d always wanted to start offering online fitness training but didn’t know how to keep everything organized until I found this platform. I remember thinking that if I could train 25 clients on an online platform, that would be amazing.

So I started telling friends and family that I wanted to practice using this new app with them and I would train them for free while I worked out all the kinks and got used to the program. After a few months, I felt confident and started advertising to more people.

I loved the reminders for the trainer that keep you in the loop on what your clients are doing — whether they’re working out, tracking habits, tracking meals, or messaging you. They also keep you aware of when your clients’ programs expire so you can touch base and keep them engaged.”

Read the full Business Insider article here.

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