Business ManagementClient RetentionClients and Members 3 Ways to Make Your Client Onboarding Experience Exceptional

Onboarding Experience

When it comes to onboarding new clients, you need to make sure your user experience is flawless. The worst possible experience is signing up for a program or service online and then not hearing anything about it for a day or two later. Remember, people are eager to get started right away once they sign up for something online. When running an online business, you can’t give each client a face-to-face welcome, so you need to do it with your technology and tools! How do we wow new online clients? Below I’ll give you a few tips!

1. Video is key

My first tip would be to use video as much as you can when providing clients with information or welcoming them into your program. Often when clients sign up with an online trainer, it’s either because they want to work with you specifically, or they have been referred by a friend that is working with you. The most important point here is to give them a true example of you. Try to provide as close to an in-person encounter as you can, using technology.

Check Out: Client Onboarding Cheat Sheet for Personal Trainers

Do I mean personalized videos for onboarding every client? No, not at all. Try sending a pre-recorded welcome video to each client immediately after they sign up. In the video, you can congratulate them on making positive change, and provide them with some next steps. Personally, I find having video and then text underneath the video stating something similar (for those who don’t want to watch a video) works best. Let your personality shine through! Get people hyped with excitement about signing up for your program!

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2. Create systems to streamline the process

Try to automate as much as you can to avoid the “I signed up, what do I do now?” emails. With online training, you could have new clients signing up at all times of the day. This means you might not be at your computer to send out welcome emails and info. There are many great services linked to Trainerize to help you streamline your systems and automate a lot of steps, making your life way easier!

Create a step-by-step process of what you want to happen when a new client signs up. Think welcome email, download app link, program creation, scheduling initial consults, initial measurements, assessments, renewal notices. You won’t regret it! It will be much easier for you and keep your clients much happier.

3. Over-deliver on perks and experience

There is so much competition in the online training space. If you get a client to choose your services over the millions of others on the web, make sure they’re happy they did! There is nothing wrong with going above and beyond for your clients to ensure they are getting the best service you can provide.

Why? Happy clients become recurring clients (more money!). They tell their friends and family about you (more money!). Plus, happy clients are more likely to get results, which causes more referrals (and more money!). Catch my drift? As much as we are coaches, we are also in the service industry and it’s important to treat each and every client like gold!

I hope these tips help you set up your onboarding system for success in 2020, gain new clients, and retain your existing clientele!

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