Best PracticesBusiness GrowthFundamentals and Best Practices How to Build Client Trust (Even If You’ve Never Made a Sale)

How to Build Client Trust (Even If You’ve Never Made a Sale)

Building client trust is the absolute most important part of building your client list. Before you even think about making a sales pitch, work to build a trustworthy relationship with your audience and your prospects. It’s likely your prospects have already tried more than one promised weight loss, muscle building, or toning program that lead to zero results. Unfortunately for us trainers, this creates a wall between them and potential programs and trainers that will have positive effects! But rest assured, this wall can be broken down, even if you’ve never made a sale before. Read on for three ways to develop trust with your audience.

Build Rapport

Yes, rapport is best done in person (when your prospect can see you!) but it can also be just as effective on the web. Join a closed Facebook group within your niche of training, or use your very own social media channels. Go wherever you can to put out content, and get in front of your audience. When you do get in front of them, post useful content! And remember, if you get questions, answer them with your particular expertise. You can also private message those who has questions to ensure they’ve got the correct answer. If they’re still confused or curious, continue the conversation. Building this rapport will build their trust.

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Be Real

Prospects want to see you being your true self. Unfortunately, there are trainers out there that simply copy someone else’s traits and training style because they think that’s what sells. But this doesn’t stand out to your audience. Your clients buy you and your ability to solve their problems, so don’t be afraid to show your personality on your social media channels! Your personal style will attract the right prospects for you. If you’re funny, show your sense of humor. If you’re laid back, show this side of you. You can also share glimpses of your personal life to show that you’re a real person! This will help your audience get to know you, so when you hop on a call it’ll be easier to communicate.

Use Emotion

While posting a workout video or a recent recipe is great for content, your audience wants to know you’re listening and understanding their problems. Your clients want to purchase solutions to their problems. It’s more than just your dinner recipes or booty-building videos. The surface problems of wanting to lose weight or build muscle are typically rooted in emotional pain related to relationships, confidence, and ability. Talking about these issues creates empathy—your prospects will feel understood, and will understand that you can help them solve their problems. 

Yes, these three techniques take time. But I promise you, these techniques will create long-lasting trust and loyalty between you and your clients, prospects, and community. Trust goes a long way in converting prospects into clients. Keep at it! You’ll have dedicated clients soon—and a trust that will last.

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