Champion Method: How Two Brothers Combined their Passions for Fitness and Religion to Fill a Global Niche

As the founders of Champion Method, an online training and nutrition coaching company, brothers Muhammed and Imad Qandil have embraced a holistic approach to health that also incorporates spiritual wellness. Muhammed and Imad are on a mission to help people unlock their true potential through a mix of fitness and religious teachings, something they are both extremely passionate about.

Before ABC Trainerize, Muhammed was monitoring his clients’ progress and transformations through text messages, which quickly became unmanageable. “I was trying to create and manage portfolios of each client, I couldn’t use so hard to keep track of everyone’s results” he says. “My camera roll was just packed.”

Progress tracking features included in the ABC Trainerize app helped Muhammed organize his success stories, which he was then able to use for marketing purposes. “[ABC Trainerize] has the option for pictures and account details, [client] calendars… there’s nothing I would want to change. It’s a beautiful app.” With ABC Trainerize, trainers can collect body stats and progress photos, set fitness targets, and monitor personal bests to ensure a seamless client experience.

We chatted with Muhammed to find out exactly how he and his brother have built a global community from the ground up by pursuing their passions, marketing through their clients and improving efficiency with the ABC Trainerize app.

Read the full story today!

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