Business growthBusiness GrowthFundamentals and Best PracticesGrowth Tactics 3 Ways to Increase Online Coaching Income by Tapping Into the Corporate World

3 Ways to Increase Online Coaching Income by Tapping Into the Corporate World

Are you looking for more ways to build your online coaching business, but aren’t sure of what other ways to attract new clients? Do you feel like you have exhausted all of your marketing options? Are you targeting your ideal audience, without any bites from new clients? Perhaps it’s time to look into a new (untapped) angle of the online coaching world: the corporate world. Before going into more details of how to attract some new clients from either corporate employees or entire corporations into your Trainerize app, I want to discuss how great of an option this demographic is.

reasons why I feel tapping into the corporate world could be valuable to your online training business:

I personally find that people high up in businesses (CEO’s, etc.), or successful entrepreneurs, are some of my longest running, most focused clientele (both in persona and online). I have found that someone who is driven in business is also very driven in their fitness journey. They want a plan to follow and want to be successful in whatever they set out to do.

Most importantly, they often have the finances available to spend on online training, and a great network of more potential corporate clientele they could refer to you if they’re successful in your program.

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Here are 3 ways to tap into the corporate world to further build your online training business:

1. Use Current Clients and Ask for Referrals

If you have any current clients who work in larger offices, or for larger companies, don’t be afraid to ask them for referrals. A great way to pitch your services to larger companies is with the help of one of their current employees who is already aware and stoked about your services. Think about what you want to offer, create a PDF, video, or informational brochure to send to businesses through your client to help get the word out. A great point to touch base on is employee health and how workouts can help them be more productive in the workplace. Do they sit at a desk all day? How can your services help them with posture, neck, or back pain associated with long hours of sitting. Or, you could touch on how your services could increase their energy levels, etc.

2. Tap Into LinkedIn

This is a great way to attract business professionals and potential corporations to your online personal training business. Creating content that will directly relate to the demographic you are trying to reach (business professionals, or entrepreneurs, etc.) will help bring more attention to your online training business, or hits to your website. Many people are on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube promoting their services, but not many are tapping into the potential of LinkedIn.

3. Create In-Office Challenge Programs and Market to Local Businesses

This is a great offer to promote to corporations as a whole, as opposed to individual employees. Create a “30 day challenge”, or something similar to market to larger businesses where all employees can get involved. Many companies are getting supportive of employee health and fitness because they know the benefits. For example, employees are shown to be more productive, and have less sick days, etc. It also creates a great environment in an office. For instance, you have all employees working towards a better level of health together. Once you have your program and pricing solidified, create some marketing materials. These could be online or printable PDF’s. Then send these out to potential businesses through connections you’ve made (current clients or potential leads).

If you are looking to expand your online training business, and get more customers using your Trainerize app, this could be the untapped demographic for you!

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