Press and Announcements July 5, 2019 TRAINERIZE UPDATE | A Smart Nutrition Goal Calculator + New Client Activity Levels
5 Myths Your Personal Training Clients Have Bought Into July 1, 2019 There are many beliefs that have been ingrained into your clients’ minds that are doing way more harm…
Making Your Personal Training LGBTQ+ and Trans Inclusive June 6, 2019 Training with an individual who is within the LGBTQ+ community is not a whole lot different than training…
7 Reasons to Start Your Own Fitness Business June 3, 2019 Want to start your own fitness business? The idea of starting a fitness business is exciting yet terrifying…
How to Cure Burn Out and Find Your Second Wind April 8, 2019 We start at 6 am and finish at 9 pm. The typical shift for a coach/trainer can run…
Making a Lasting Impact on Client Nutrition March 18, 2019 Client nutrition is important. It’s no secret that nutrition is the cornerstone of weight loss, yet it’s one…
Unlock Client Motivation in 3 Easy Steps January 21, 2019 Motivation: we all need a bit of it in our lives—especially when you’re trying to achieve a goal.…
3 Big Life Events that Can Land You New Personal Training Clients September 3, 2018 There are times in life when hiring a personal trainer is essential in reaching ones’ health goals (weight…
Build a Sense of Community at Your Fitness Studio or Club to Keep Members Coming Back for More June 14, 2018 Do you own a fitness club or training studio where you have many people coming in and out…