Business growthBusiness GrowthFitness Clubs and StudiosFundamentals and Best PracticesStudio and Club Operations What Fitness Clubs Can Learn from Small Studios

What Fitness Clubs Can Learn from Small Studios

Boutique studios have flooded the fitness industry, boasting wild, fun classes that gain an almost cult-like following. People are more energized about their fitness routine and feel a connection to their studio like never before.

Although at times it feels like they are taking over, both studios and larger fitness clubs are going strong with their own unique services. On one hand, fitness clubs allow a bit more freedom. Clients sign up for a membership, but have way more options in terms of classes and services. On the other hand, fitness studios are typically highly specialized. They both hold their own merit for offering distinct services, yet they still compete for clients and can learn from one another. So why does it feel like the boutique fitness is taking over? The answer comes from why fitness studios became so popular in the first place.

It’s All About the Community

First and foremost, boutique fitness studios have become so vastly popular because of one thing specifically: community. No matter what, studios will always feel a little more intimate because well, they are smaller and more intimate. People feel more connected when they continue to take classes with the same people. These people push them through their workout and encourage them to keep coming to class. Although gyms are by definition larger and more generic than studios, they still can create communities within their gyms in the form of programs and support groups. Run clubs or educational programs such as an introduction to strength training course bring people together. You can even consider offering fitness retreats or other activities and meet ups outside of the gym to facilitate togetherness.

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Specialized Services

People expect more than just a place to get their sweat on these days. They want to learn why they are doing what they’re doing. They want to understand how it’s helping them reach their goals. Fitness professionals are picking up on this need and offering boutique services to address specific issues, goals, and needs. This is where specialized fitness studios were born. Clients will feel like they are getting more for their money when specialized services are offered. Gyms can consider offering more of these specialized services, such as in depth assessments using innovative technology to create highly personalized training programs for clients.

Identity and Brand

By offering unique services beyond standard personal training and group classes, these studios are establishing their own identity and brand. Through great marketing, and smart fitness professionals making a name for themselves/their business, having an identity became an important part of the industry. People want to feel like they belong somewhere, and love the idea of having a place that is not only where they accomplish their goals but is also like a second home to them. Fitness clubs should consider creating an identity that sets them apart and makes their club special. Some bigger clubs boast inclusivity and have programs to match that identity. Others make a name for themselves for focusing on rehabilitation after clients are finished with their physical therapy program. People will want to be a part of that identity as the business grows.

Fitness studios have exploded all over the world. This is because of their ability to create community, offer specialized services, and build a unique identity. The big takeaway for fitness clubs is to make a large establishment feel like a tight-knit community to keep clients coming back and bringing everyone they know.

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