Business GrowthFundamentals and Best Practices How to Make Passive Income Online as a Personal Trainer

How to Make Passive Income Online

As a personal trainer, you’ve worked hard to build your expertise and establish a successful fitness business. Still, relying solely on one-on-one training sessions has its limitations in terms of time and income potential. Therefore, in order to unlock new opportunities and boost your earnings, a great starting point is to explore how to make passive income online. 

Passive income lets you generate money with minimal ongoing effort. Additionally, it gives you the freedom to focus on growing your core business. In this blog, we’ll look at several effective strategies to make passive income so that you can start supplementing your personal training business.

Let’s dive in!

1. Create and sell digital products

Digital products are a great way to earn passive income. Here are some popular digital products you can develop:


As a personal trainer you are a hub of knowledge when it comes to fitness. Therefore, packing your expertise into an ebook is a great place to start earning passive income. For example, you can write e-books on topics like weight loss strategies, muscle-building exercises, or even specialized training programs.

Pro tip: Always ensure your content is well-researched, informative, and tailored to your target audience’s needs. Additionally, you can easily design your e-book using software like Canva. Or if your budget allows it you can hire a professional graphic designer for a polished and professional look.

Workout Plans

In addition to e-books, another great digital product to create and sell is workout plans. Be sure to include detailed instructions, exercise demonstrations, and progress tracking templates to take your digital download to the next level. Finally, selling your workout plans online is a great way to reach a wider audience and generate passive income for you business.

Meal Guides

As you know, nutrition plays a key role in helping clients achieve their fitness goals. Therefore, creating meal plans is also a great passive revenue source. So, be sure to create meal guides that provide balanced and healthy meal options. For example ones that cater to different dietary preferences, like vegetarian, vegan, keto, or paleo.

Instructional Videos

Video content is highly engaging to your target audience and can be used to generate passive income. For example, it can be marketed as part of a package or sold independently (through platforms like Vimeo or your website).

To effectively sell courses be sure to develop high-quality instructional videos. You’ll also want to demonstrate proper exercise techniques, form correction, and stretching routines as part of your passive income strategy.

To promote your digital products well, it’s important to build a high-quality website or landing page. To do so, use persuasive copywriting and compelling visuals to entice potential customers. Additionally, consider collaborating with influencers or fitness bloggers to review your products and reach a wider audience.

2. Launch a Subscription-Based Membership Site

A subscription-based membership site allows you to build a loyal community around your personal training brand. Additionally, it is a great way to create passive income. Here’s how to get started:

Define Your Membership Tiers

Firstly, offer different membership levels and include varying benefits within each. One way to do this is to offer a basic tier and a premium tier.Be sure each tier provides value to your subscribers. And that the higher the tier (and the price) the more access they have to you.

Create Exclusive Content

Secondly, as part of your subscription membership it’s important to regularly update your membership site with fresh, premium content. This could include advanced workout routines, nutrition webinars, or live streaming workout sessions. In addition, be sure to engage with your community through a forum or private Facebook. Doing so helps foster a sense of belonging and community.

Provide Personalized Coaching

Next, offer one-on-one or group coaching sessions to higher-tier members. Tailor these sessions to meet their specific fitness goals and address their challenges. Personalized attention will help retain members and keep them engaged.

Offer Free Trials and Discounts

In addition to the above, encourage potential subscribers to sign up by offering free trial periods or discounted initial months. This allows them to experience the value you provide before committing to a full subscription.

 Promote Community Interaction

Lastly, actively participate in the community discussions and respond to member queries. Foster a supportive and encouraging environment where members can share their progress and experiences.

Finally, to manage your subscription-based site effectively, consider using membership management software like ABC Trainerize. It will help you deliver your content, collect payments, manage your memberships and more.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing lets you earn commissions by promoting products or services offered by other companies. Follow these steps to earn passive income as a successful affiliate marketer:

Select Relevant Affiliate Partners

Firstly, choose affiliate products that align with your personal training niche. For example, if you focus on strength training, you might promote workout equipment, supplements, or online fitness courses.

Build Trust with Your Audience:

Additionally, as the head of your brand it’s important to maintain authenticity and integrity in your recommendations. So, choose carefully and only promote products you genuinely believe in and have personally used or researched.

Use Multiple Marketing Channels

Next, to successfully maximize your affiliate marketing earnings, incorporate your affiliate links into as many marketing channels as you can. For example, into your blog posts, YouTube descriptions, social media posts, and email newsletters.

Track and Analyze Performance

In addition, use affiliate marketing platforms or software to track the performance of your affiliate links. Analyze which products are resonating with your audience and optimize your marketing strategy accordingly.

Always Disclose Affiliate Relationships

Lastly, it’s important to be transparent with your audience about your affiliate partnerships. So, be sure to disclose that you may receive a commission for any purchases made through your affiliate links. Honesty builds trust and ensures compliance with legal requirements.

Finally, remember that affiliate marketing is about adding value to your audience’s lives. So, focus on educating and guiding them toward products that genuinely address their needs and interests. And then watch your passive income climb as a result.

Create online courses

Online courses are another way to create passive income. Here’s how to develop and sell online courses:

Identify Your Course Topic

Firstly, choose a specific area of fitness or training that you excel in and that aligns with your audience’s interests. Break down the content into modules or sections for better organization.

Create Engaging Content

Next, utilize a mix of videos, text-based lessons, quizzes, and downloadable resources to keep learners engaged and motivated.

Offer Certifications or Badges

In addition, a great way to keep course takers motivated and engaged is to provide certificates or badges when they complete lessons. Doing so motivates students to finish the course.

Price Your Course Competitively

Next, research similar courses in the market to determine a fair and competitive price. Consider offering occasional discounts or bundle deals to attract new students.

Market Your Course

Finally, Promote your course through social media, email marketing, guest blogging, and collaborations with other fitness influencers. Highlight the unique benefits and outcomes students can expect from your course.

4. Ad Revenue from a Blog or YouTube Channel

Starting a fitness blog or YouTube channel allows you to share valuable content to your audience. It’s also a great way to generate passive income through ad revenue. Here’s how to make the most of this opportunity:

Consistently Publish Quality Content

Firstly, regularly create high-quality content that educates, entertains, or inspires your audience. Focus on topics that are relevant to your niche and your viewers’ interests.

Optimize for Search Engines

In addition, use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve your content’s visibility on Google or YouTube search results. Target relevant keywords and create compelling titles and descriptions.

Monetize with Ads

Next, Join the Google AdSense program for blogs or the YouTube Partner Program for YouTube channels to monetize your content through ads. The amount of money you make depends on how many people watch or click on your content.

Engage with Your Audience

Lastly, respond to comments, answer questions, and engage with your viewers to build a loyal community around your content. The more engaged your audience, the better your content will perform in terms of ad revenue.

Finally, remember that building a successful blog or YouTube channel takes time and consistency. Focus on producing valuable content and gradually growing your audience to increase your passive income over time.

5. Automated Email Marketing

As you might already know email marketing is a powerful tool for building relationships with your audience and driving passive income. Follow these steps to set up an automated email marketing system:

Build Your Email List

Offer valuable content, such as a free workout guide or a nutrition e-book, in exchange for visitors’ email addresses. Use opt-in forms on your website or landing pages to capture leads.

Segment Your List

Categorize your email subscribers based on their interests and interactions with your content. Segmenting your list allows you to send targeted and relevant emails to specific groups.

Create an Email Sequence

Develop a series of automated emails that provide value, address common pain points, and showcase your digital products or online courses. The sequence should nurture leads and build trust with your audience.

Promote Your Products and Services

Strategically include promotions of your digital products, online courses, or affiliate offers within your email sequence. Use persuasive copy and compelling visuals to encourage conversions.

Measure and Optimize

Monitor the performance of your email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Use this data to refine your email content and improve your marketing strategy.

Finally, to manage your email marketing effectively, consider using email automation tools like Mailchimp, ConvertKit, or ActiveCampaign. These platforms enable you to schedule and automate email sequences, saving you time and effort.

6. Print-On-Demand Merchandise

Additionally, print-on-demand (POD) services let you to create and sell custom merchandise without worrying about inventory or shipping logistics. As a result, they are another great source of passive revenue. Here’s how to get started with POD:

Design Branded Merchandise

Firstly, create eye-catching merch designs that feature your personal training logo, slogans, or fitness-related artwork. Ensure the designs are appealing to your target audience and align with your brand’s identity.

Choose a POD Platform

Next, select a reliable POD platform that integrates with your website or e-commerce store. Popular POD services include Printful, Teespring, and Redbubble.

Select Merchandise Options

Additionally, POD platforms offer a wide range of merchandise, including T-shirts, hoodies, water bottles, phone cases, and more. Choose products that resonate with your audience and fit within your brand’s aesthetic.

Promote Your Merchandise:

Feature your merchandise on your website, social media channels, and email newsletters. Encourage your followers to show off their purchases and share photos wearing your branded apparel.

 Quality Control

Next, order samples of your merchandise to ensure the print quality, fabric, and overall design meet your expectations. Positive customer reviews and satisfaction will lead to more sales and repeat customers.

Lastly, by incorporating POD merchandise into your personal training business can also serve as a marketing tool. When clients wear your branded apparel or use your accessories at the gym, they become walking advertisements for your services.

What’s Next?

Supplementing your personal training business with passive income streams is a great way to boost your earnings and expand your reach. Each strategy discussed in this blog offers a unique opportunity to capitalize on your expertise. It’s also a great way to engage with a broader audience, and generate income with minimal ongoing effort.

Remember that building passive income takes dedication and consistency. So be patient and continue to refine your strategies. Additionally, be sure to listen to your audience’s feedback, and stay up-to-date with industry trends.

With time, effort, and a focus on delivering value, you can create a successful balance of active and passive income streams. Doing so will help support your financial goals while positively impacting the lives of your clients and followers.

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Start your free 30-day trial of ABC Trainerize. 

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